One of the most common phone calls and emails we receive from our property managers and business owners are second-hand reports that they receive from their residents or tenants that suspicious activity, disturbances, or other criminal activity has taken place on their properties. The resonating theme of these reports is that rather than individuals taking action to report crime immediately as it’s in progress, many tenants or homeowners wait to report it the following day (or sometimes longer) to their property managers or landlords. This can be frustrating for property owners, managers, security companies, and law enforcement personnel. Being proactive in addressing issues as they occur is integral to the security and well-being of a community or business.
A report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics cites that approximately 3,000,000 violent crimes go unreported every year. Non-violent crimes that are unreported have even greater numbers. Why is it, then, that a lot of people fail to report crime as it occurs? According to the Bureau’s report, concerns about the criminal justice system and personal reasons dominated the rationale. Many people also fear reprisal for filing reports. Whatever the reason, failing to be proactive in immediately reporting criminal behavior can have serious consequences to the safety of your community or business.
We are entering that time of year where the “hot and bothered” phenomenon manifests, a condition in our industry that characterizes the statistical trend between warmer weather and increased criminal behavior. Summer months bring about more activity, and the #1 offensive maneuver that can be taken, but often isn’t, is to be proactive in reporting crime, disturbances and suspicious behavior, as it occurs.
At North Coast Patrol, we encourage our customers to phone our dispatch to report activity; we will even field anonymous calls if a caller doesn’t want to disclose their identity. We also provide a method for our customers to file online reports via our website. Most law enforcement agencies will take anonymous calls or tips as well.
The bottom line is: Don’t wait to report. If you are witnessing an emergency or crime in progress, dial 911. If you are an NCP customer, please also notify our office via the methods noted above. We’re always here to help.
You be safe, San Diego!
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