Halloween can be a fun and exciting evening for many children (and even some of you adults). Nevertheless, before donning your favorite costume, consider some of these Halloween safety tips to ensure your evening isn’t tainted by the criminal element that use the day as opportunity to engage in crime against both property and persons.
Community Pools & Recreational Areas
Consider securing all pool, recreational and common areas early, before sundown. Doing so prevents potential tricksters and vandals from causing property damage.
Use a Security System
It is a good idea to have a home security system set up before Halloween arrives. This will alert authorities if someone tries to enter the residence when the owners are away. If a homeowner does not have the money to purchase an alarm system, they can still trick thieves into thinking one is arming the home. They can simply place some security system stickers on the front door of their home and place a yard sign indicating the home is protected as well. A thief will not know if the information is true or not, probably causing them to move on to another target rather than taking a chance. Placing a security camera in view of the doorway will also keep potential burglars from trying to steal from the home. A decoy camera can be used if there is no time or money to purchase a new one before the holiday.
Leave Lights Lit
When someone leaves their home to trick-or-treat themselves, it is important that lights are left on during this time. One of the greatest Halloween Home Security steps in keeping a home lit rather than vulnerable with a darkened appearance. Many will shut off lights so trick-or-treaters do not stop by their home to try to get candy. While this is favorable to the children out on the streets, it is also favorable to those robbing homes. It is best to keep the lights on and place a bowl of goodies out on the porch for those trick-or-treating. A sign should be placed near the bowl indicating there is a security camera hidden so children should be respectful in how many pieces of candy they take. This will not only stop children from taking too much at one time but will also alert any thieves in costume that a camera may catch them in action if they try to get inside while no one is at home.
Be Seen
When you and your fellow ghosts and goblins are out trick-or-treating, consider applying reflective tape to costumes and bags. Give your children glow sticks or flashlights to carry so they can easily be seen by vehicles.
The rule of thumb is that children under the age of 13 should not be trick-or-treating without adult supervision. An adult presence can prevent poor judgment being exercised by those not mature enough to handle unforeseen circumstances on such a night that has potential to be high in pedestrian and vehicle traffic. If adult supervision is not possible, unsupervised children should always use the buddy system.
Secure Those Pumpkins
Once the Halloween festivities are over, consider removing your pumpkins from your front porch, driveway, etc. Doing so will prevent them from being potentially smashed by vandals engaged in late night pranks.
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of safety tips, but they are a good start for your consideration in ensuring your Halloween evening is enjoyable.
What Are Your Halloween Safety Tips?
Leave us a comment below with your additional Halloween safety tips!